Sunday, June 2, 2019

Old Theard St. Fire Station No. 1

The old Fire House No. 1 on Theard St. in Covington has been thoroughly rebuilt and is now a meeting and event center for the city. 

The previous structure served as the fire station for many years. The building has many memories of the people who lived there and worked there, meetings among firefighters, and the upkeep of the fire engines that were housed in the structure.

The old fire house
The old fire house and water tower

The new Fire House and Events Center and water tower

Louis Ross Jr. talked with some of the old firefighters who remembered the original building, and they wished they could have gotten a memento or souvenir of the old structure, a shingle or something to help remember it by. It had been used for decades by the volunteer firefighters.

Here are a few pictures of the new fire station event center at the Theard location. 

Here's a picture of the old fire station structure. Picture taken by Doug Harrison


The southside second floor landing on the old building

Google Street View caught several good photos of the project