Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day Program Held - 2023

 A Memorial Day Ceremony was held at the St. Tammany Parish Justice Center in Covington Monday morning, sponsored by the Robert H. Burns American Legion Post No. 16 with a number of dignitaries taking part. 

Here are some photographs of that event. Click on the images to make them larger. 

More than a hundred veterans, their families, and special guests attended. 

The audience included  Major James Robinson, a 101-year-old veteran of World War II and the Korean War, seen seated at far left. 

To begin the program, the St. Tammany Veterans Honor Guard advanced the colors.

A number of veterans services groups had informational tables, Past Commander Dennis Charlesworth (center) served as master of ceremonies, and Hailey Ogden sang the national anthem.

Mike Perfinski with the Louisiana Department of Veteran Affairs spoke about his agency's many various services to veterans in the state. 

A large number of honored guests were introduced, including Pam Herty of the Post 16 Auxiliary, Rachel Shaw of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and Matt Cole with the Justin McLeese Marine Corps Detachment. 

According to the American Legion program booklet, Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday in May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it began in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

Miss Poppy Madelyn Ogden and Little Miss Poppy Cecilia Ogden led the Pledge of Allegiance, Parish President Mike Cooper welcomed those present, Rachel Shaw with the DAR spoke briefly, and Covington City Councilman Larry Rolling also addressed the crowd.

Gwen and Anthony Gole told the history of Military Working Dog Roxy. A special plaque honoring Military Working Dog Roxy was unveiled. American Legion Post 16 Joseph P. Untz Jr. presented Roxy's handler Gwen Gole with a certificate and together they unveiled the plaque honoring Roxy for her service. Roxy died late last year after several years of service in explosives detection with the U.S. Marine Corps in Afghanistan and with the TSA at Louis Armstrong Airport in New Orleans. She also worked with the Love on a Leash Therapy Dog Program. 

Several members of the Love on a Leash Therapy Program attended in memory of Roxy.

Joseph P. Untz Jr., Post Commander, presents certificate to Gwen Gole.

Unveiling the plaque honoring Military Working Dog Roxy

The St. Tammany Veterans Honor Guard then presented a ceremonial rifle salute, and the playing of taps.

American Legion member Richard Perl delivered the invocation and benediction for the event, which was closed by Hailey Ogden singing America The Beautiful, with a number of people in the audience joining in.

The Love on a Leash group posed for a group photo

Afterwards, members of the audience visited the Veterans Memorial Plaza and paused for a moment with the specially engraved bricks honoring their loved ones. 

The Covington Fire Department flew the American flag from its ladder truck.

See also:

Veterans Appreciation Reception - 2023

 The Covington Heritage Foundation held its annual Veterans Appreciation Reception Monday morning at Bogue Falaya Hall behind Covington City Hall. Over 100 veterans and some family members attended. Here are some photographs from the event. Click on the images to make them larger. 

CHF President Mark Verret welcomes those in attendance. 

American Legion Post 16 Past Commander Dennis Charlesworth greets Major James Robinson, a 101-year-old veteran of WWII and the Korean War

A medley of patriotic military music was performed by Kellen Meyers of the Covington High Talented Music Program.

Mayor Mark Johnson, at right, joined in with the festivities

Other city officials taking part were, at left,  John Botsford and Larry Rolling. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Mandeville Trailhead Doubloon

 Here's a souvenir doubloon from the dedication of the Mandeville Trailhead and Cultural Interpretive Center, held on Feb. 28, 2000, some 23 years ago.

Click on the image to make it larger. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Dutz's Garage - Mandeville

 Here are some newspaper articles and advertisements over the years telling about Dutz's Garage in Mandeville. Click on the images to make them larger and more readable.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Card Games A Popular Activity

 Someone mentioned on Facebook that their relatives enjoyed playing card games 50 years ago in the Covington area, so I looked up "card games" in the past issues of the St. Tammany Farmer newspaper. It seems that there were plenty of card games being played, of every description and in every location. Not only that, but they were regularly written up with articles in the paper. 

Here are a few of them:

Click on the images to make them larger and more readable. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

First Year In Business: A List

 In 1977 and 1979 the News Banner newspaper published advertisements that listed the years that many area businesses first opened their doors. Here is that list:

1846 Smith Pro Hardware 228 N. Columbia, Covington
1885 Bechac's Restaurant, 2025 Lakeshore Dr., Mandeville
1900 McKee's Nursery

1906 Robert L. Aubert Co. Inc.
1907 Alexius Brothers Hardware

1911 Marsolan Feed and Seed, 314 East Gibson, Covington
1917 Norman Haik 307 N. Columbia, Covington
1920 Burns Furniture, Covington
1922 Chitters Garage, 506 Lafitte St, Mandeville
1925 Keller's Service Station, Lacombe
1926 Smith Chevrolet, Covington

1932 Dutz's Garage, 2050 Florida, Mandeville

1937 Barkers General Merchandise, Lee Road
1936 Holden's Service Centers, Covington
1939 Covington Motors Inc. 306 East Lockwood, Covington
1943 Nick's Sign Shop, Covington
1944 Trapani Electric
1944 Parish Typewriter, 116 Easts 21st Avenue, Covington

1945 Bossier's De Mandeville
1945 Band's Food Store, 445 Lafitte, Mandeville
1945 Marquez Automotive Service Center, Mandeville
1945 Poole Lumber, Columbia St., Covington
1946 Jenkins Superette, 1926 Madison St., Mandeville
1948 Lee Road Feed Company, Barker's Corner
1948 Jenkins Lumber Co., Folsom
1949 Ogden's Photography Studio, 205 N. New Hampshire, Covington
1949 Greater Mandeville Federal Credit Union
1949 Talley Feed & Seed, Covington
1949 Himel Auto Parts, Covington

1949 Dutsch & Peters 421 N. Columbia St., Covington
1950 D. King Swimming Pool Inc., Bush, LA
1950 Abadie's Cyclery and Toys 329 N. New Hampshire, Covington
1950 Baldwin Motors 
1950 Talley’s lime/fertilizer spreading service
1951 Wind Haven Antiques, 2143 Lakeshore Dr., Mandeville
1952 The Fashion Shop, 335 N. New Hampshire, Covington
1952 Houk's TV, Electronics and Appliances, 536 N. Columbia, Covington
1953 S.M.S. Floor Covering, Mandeville
1954 Fallon Realty, 429 S. Tyler, Covington
1954 Covington Floral Shop, 427 W. 13th Ave., Covington
1954 Judy's Upholstery, Folsom Hwy.
1954 General United Life Insurance Company, 1003 S. Madison, Covington
1954 Tim Wilson Jeweler, 307 N. New Hampshire, Covington
1954 Al Smith's Plumbing and Heating, Madisonville
1954 Nat's Barber Shop, 229 N. Columbia, Covington
1955 William Band TV & Antenna Service, 1922 Livingston St., Mandeville
1955 Lemane Photography Studio, 603 South Tyler, Covington
1955 Jake's Body Shop & Wrecker Service, Covington
1957 Miley's Glass and Mirror Works, 1015 N. Columbia, Covington
1958 Glockner 66 Service Station, 1947 Florida, Mandeville
1959 Green Springs Motel, Hwy. 21, Covington
1959 Geo. W. Sales Co. (Zenith & Quasar) 615 Mandeville
1959 Ed Hall Floor Refinishing, Parker Road, Covington
1960 Gina Construction and Realty Corp. 515 Sharp Road, Mandeville
1960 Elizabeth Eanes Real Estate, 203 W. 21st Ave., Covington
1960 Lloyd Contracting Inc. Abita Springs
1962 Wayne Construction Co. Inc. 110 Cherry Laurel, Covington
1962 Boettner Insurance and Real Estate, Mandeville Hwy.
1962 G.W. Sales, 615 Lafitte, Mandeville
1962 Fisher Exterminating Co. Inc. Claiborne Hill

1962 Robert's School of Beauty Culture, Covington
1963 Land-O-Pines Campground, Million Dollar Road, Covington
1963 Kiddie Land Day Care, 229 W. 22nd Avenue, Covington
1963 The Carriage House, 210 N. Florida, Covington
1963 Charlers Jewels and Gifts,Claiborne Hill
1963 Claiborne Hill IGA Supermarket
1964 Wymer's Grocery, Lee Road, Covington
1964 Cordes Real Estate, 350 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1964 Larry's Hardware, 720 N. Columbia, Covington
1964 Plaza Shell, Bogue Falaya Mall
1964 B & B Drive In, Barker's Corner
1964 Morgan Office Products, 501 N. Columbia, Covington
1964 Mandeville Bantam Newspaper
1965 Nick's Drive In, Mandeville Hwy.
1965 Pat's Seafood Delicatessen and Food Mart, Mandeville Highway
1965 Senac Rexall, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1965 Carol's Corner Bookstore, 328 East Lockwood, , Covington
1966 Cordell Furniture, 419 East Boston St., Covington
1966 Covington Blueprint & Supply, 615 W. 13th Ave., Covington
1966 One Hour Cleaners, 1815 Causeway Blvd. Mandeville
1966 Covington Equipment Co. Inc. 
1967 Legendre Ford 1943 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1967 Fandal Air Conditioning Service, 435 Marigny Ave., Mandeville
1967 World of Sports, 434 East Boston Street
          Moved to 236 N. Columbia, Covington, in 1973

1968 Tom Burns Real Estate 729 e. Boston St., Covington
1968 Ed Haber Heating and Air, Collins Blvd., Covington
1969 Montgomery Ward Bogue Falaya Plaza, Covington
1970 Jefferson Avenue Exxon, 104 West 21st Avenue, Covington
1970 Kathy's Hallmark Shoppe, 2211 Florida in Mandeville
1970 Wagner & Truax, 1461 N. Causeway, Mandeville

1970 The Armoire, 218 N. Lee Road, Covington
1970 Gertrude Gardner Inc., 1819 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1970 Marcus Mapes Jefferson Exxon, 104 West 21st Avenue, Covington
1971 North Shore Yacht Sales Inc.,Mariners Village Mandeville
1971 Serendipity Gift Shoppe, 146 Lafitte, Mandeville
1971 Century 21 Hill Realty Company, Mandeville Hwy., Covington
1971 Family Casuals, 315 N. Columbia, Covington
1971 Accardo Trucking and Dozer, Waldheim
1971 Adrienne's Wigs and Casual Wear, 519 Boston, Covington
1971 Carter Mobile Homes Inc., Folsom Hwy., Covington
1971 Bruhn Jewelers, Bogue Falaya Plaza, Covington
1971 The Dutchman Restaurant 509 S. Tyler, Covington
1971 Claiborne Hill Tire Center
1971 Photo Sonics, Claiborne Hill
1971 Noel Maestri Carpet, 336 East Boston, Covington
1972 Glockner's Air Conditioning and Heating Service, 1732 Dupard St. Mandeville
1972 Mr. B's Camper Sales, Service and Supplies, Mandeville
1972 Danny Fried Chicken, of Covington
1972 Magee Finance Service, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1972 JD's Seafood, Claiborne Hill
1973 Muller Value Drugs, Lacombe
1973 Abita Portable Buildings, Hwy.36, Abita Springs
1973 Soundtrak, Bogue Falaya Plaza, Covington
1973 Northlake Cycles 213 East Lockwood, Covington
1973 The Past Restored, Covington
1973 Bay of Fashion Hwy 190 Mandeville
1973 Sign Services Co., Mandeville Hwy. Covington
1973 Style Setters, 201 N. New Hampshire, Covington
1973 Kraft Antiques Hospital, Ponchatoula Hwy., Madisonville

1973 Docar Truck Sales, Parts & Equipment, Collins Blvd. Covington
1973 Orleans Jewelers, 2355 Florida Ave., Mandeville
1973 Althea M. Wildgen Real Estate 2142 Monroe, Mandeville
1973 United Auto Supply, Hwy. 190, Covington.
1973 Ostarly Inc. Plumbing Contractor, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1973 Ozone Motel, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1973 Jefferson House Antiques, 619 S. Jefferson Avenue, Covington
1973 Claiborne Hill Tire Center
1974 The Strip Joint, 410 N. Jefferson, Covington
1974 The Marble Quarry, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1974 Little Red School House, 216 W. 25th Ave., Covington
1974 Mandeville Texaco, Florida St.
1974 Summerod Cottage Antiques, Lakeshore at Lafitte, Mandeville
1974 Knight's Shoreline Service Center, Mandeville

1974 Kut & Kurl Beauty Salon, 328 N. Columbia, Covington
1974 The Edwards Agency, 310 N. Columbia, Covington
1974 Otasco Home & Auto Supply, Bogue Falaya Plaza
1974 Pontchartrain Lighting & Electric Supply, 3940 Florida, Mandeville
1974 Pinecrest Memorial Gardens, Hammond Hwy. Covington
1975 Glen Nave Heating & Air Conditioning, Folsom Road, Folsom
1975 Lagniappe Gallery, 222 N. Lee Road, Covington
1975 Hair Styles Inc., 116 S. Jefferson Ave. Covington
1975 Bayou Lacombe Handy Mart Inc., Lacombe
1975 Foxhole Army Surplus, 405 N. Columbia, Covington
1975 Eileen's Expressions Hallmark, Bogue Falaya Plaza
1975 State Farm- Bud Gregg, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1975 Marion Fontenot School of Dancing, 836 Gerard St., Mandeville

1975 V & W Self Service 706 E. Boston, Covington
1975 Joe's Appliance Clinic, Lacombe
1975 Pat's Exxon Service Center, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1975 Covington Sewing Center, 432 Columbia Street, Covington
1975 Rip's Seafood Restaurant, Mandeville
1975 Granny's Kitchen, 208 N. Lee Road, Covington
1975 Toggery Shop, Bogue Falaya Mall, Covington
1975 Edward Moore Construction, Mariners Village, Mandeville
1976 First Credit Plan, Hwy. 190 Mandeville
1976 Red Barn Barbecue, Claiborne Hill
1976 Fat Tom's Records and Tapes, 310 East Boston, Covington
1976 Picture This, 324 East Boston., Covington
1976 Wholesale Electric, Hwy. 190 Covington
1976 The Clothes Closet, 817 West 21st Avenue, Covington
1976 Jacob's Ladder, Mariners Village, Mandeville
1976 Vera's Day Care Center, Hwy. 25, Folsom
1976 O'Keefe Tire and Auto Service, 2350 Florida, Mandeville
1976 Shoe String Inc. 1705 Causeway Place Mandeville
1976 Small World, 1817 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1976 Village Shoppe, Hwy. 25, Folsom
1976 Miller's Piano & Lowrey Organ Mart, Bogue Falaya Plaza
1976 Le Chateau Gerard Cocktail Lounge, 127 Gerard, Mandeville
1976 A-1 Radiator Service, 1117 Polk, Covington
1976 Al's Green Thumb Nursery & Gifts, 2142 Monroe, Mandeville
1976 1st Credit Plan, 2215 Florida St., Mandeville
1976 Covington Mobile Homes & Supply, Folsom Hwy. 
1976 J&J Construction Co. Abita Road, Covington 
1977 The Bookworm, 2012 Jefferson, Mandeville
1977 Brunning Lighting and Supply, Mandeville Hwy.
1977 Auto Painting by George, Jefferson at 25th Avenue
1976 Emile Navarre Photography, 820 Marigny Ave.Mandeville
1977 Aucoin's Paintings, Antiques & Collectibles, 424 Gerard, Mandeville
1977 Marti Builders, Lowe David Rd., Covington
1977 Pizza Hut, Hwy. 190, Covington
1977 Lacombe Auto Parts, Lacombe
1977 Wine & Whey, 1719 Causeway, Mandeville
1977 Treasures Unlimited, 2626 Florida, Mandeville
1977 Wishing Well Craft Shop, 525 Jackson, Mandeville
1977 Tresses Haircutters, 602 Lafitte, Mandeville
1977 Northshore Fence, 101 Atalin, Mandeville
1977 Old Time Donut and Restaurant, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1977 Northlake Glass Works, 910 Lamarque, Mandeville
1977 Northshore Gymastic, 3910 Florida, Mandeville
1977 Beautiful Day Natural Foods, 1709 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1977 Linda's Book Emporium, 335 Gerard St., Mandeville
1977 Lani Electric Co. Inc. 1206 St. Mary St. Abita Springs
1977 Dixie Health Foods Inc., 612 S. Tyler, Covington
1977 Associated Agencies, 420 E. Boston, Covington
1977 Champagne Interiors, 330 N. Columbia, Covington

1977 Chaisson's Seafood Market 802 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1977 Adventures in Ceramics, 2207 Florida Ave., Covington
1977 Causeway Garden Center & Florist Inc. 750 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1978 Covington Car Care, Bogue Falaya Plaza
1978 Lake Theater Lounge, 2001 Lakeshore Dr., Mandeville
1978 Gigi's Nu-Look Beauty Salon, 1717 Causeway Place, Mandeville
1978 Lacombe Auto Parts, Hwy. 190
1978 The Chimes Antiques & Gift Shop, 125 N. Theard, Covington
1978 Fireplaces of St. Tammany, Hwy. 190, Covington
1978 Ed's Restaurant, Hwy. 190 at Riverside Drive, Covington
1978 Lion's Den, 2034 Jefferson, Mandeville
1978 Karen's Pet Grooming & Supplies, Hwy. 190, Mandeville
1978 Jean's Grooming, 1610 N. Columbia, Covington
1978 Sunshine Center Hwy. 190, Lacombe
1978 Radio Air & Accessories Inc. Bogue Falaya Plaza
1978 Northlake Ballet, 3918 Florida, Mandeville
1978 Tammany Plumbing and Supply Inc., Hwy. 190 Covington
1978 Allen's Statuary & Ornamental Concrete Products, Carola's Shopping Center, Lacombe
1978 Strings N Things, 629 Plaza Dr. Covington
1978 Soundtrack, Delchamps Plaza, Mandeville
1978 Tammany Drugs, 1111 S. Tyler, Covington
1978 Northlake Court Club, 3920 Florida, Mandeville
1978 Seafood World, Lee Road near Barker's Corner
1978 The Trophy Shop, Lee Road, Covington
1978 Northlake Paint & Decorating, Delchamps Plaza, Mandeville
1978 Oak Tree Mobil Service Station, 705 Boston, Covington
1978 Roland's Upholstery, Abita Springs
1978 Pineland Industries, Hwy. 25, Covington
1978 Northshore Iron Works, Florida St., Mandeville
1978 Pecan Grove Kennels, Inc. N. Fitzmorris Road, Covington
1978 Northlake Texaco, 1703 Causeway Blvd., Mandeville
1978 Richard's Seafood, 1204 W. 21st Ave. Covington
1978 Honeysuckle Cottage Day Care Center, Hwy. 190, Covington
1979 Shoreline Service Center, 725 N. Causeway, Mandeville
1979 Atlas Signs Inc., Abita Road, Covington
1979 Mandy's Kiddie Patch, Oak St., Mandeville
1979 Nunmaker Yachts, La. 22 East, Madisonville

They also included how many years the business had been operating since it had opened. Since the ads were published in 1977 and 1979, and since the year is now 2023, you can add 44 to 46 years to that number. 

See also: