Sunday, December 31, 2023

Tchefuncta Club Estates Expands

 A new section of  Tchefuncta Club Estates recently opened up, with the entrance road to the new area running southwestward from the estates entrance gate, past the golf course and into the piney woods. Phase three A of the subdivision offers 133 homesites, some of which already have homes built and for sale

Tchefuncta Club estates is one of the oldest subdivisions in St. Tammany Parish, having been established in 1956, in the forest east of La. Hwy. 21 between Covington and Madisonville. It borders the Tchefuncte River.

New Orleans City Business reported that the new section "development started in 2019 when the Johnston family entrusted their 240-acre property, surrounded by preserved wetlands and landscapes and oak trees that will be embellished with ponds and park areas. Phase 3 features low-density home sites, meaning fewer houses on more acreage than other surrounding subdivisions."

Click on the images below to make them larger. 

A Google Earth image of the early ground and street work in the new section. 

Further along, an image from an ESRI aerial

Lot boundaries and unopened streets on St. Tammany Parcel Aerial

A plat map of Phase 3A from a real estate ad

For more information, see the below links:

Tchefuncta Country Club History

Monday, December 25, 2023

Caroling on Lee Lane

 Here's a video from 2014 (seven years ago) with a group of singers from the Northlake Performing Arts Society entertaining Lee Lane shoppers with Christmas carols. Click on the play triangle to start the video. 

CLICK HERE for Jingle Bells!

See also:

NPAS Singers Present Caroling Concert in Slidell 

Covington Candlelight Caroling at the Trailhead  

The Covington Knights of Columbus Northshore Choir also got a chance to brighten the holidays with caroling...

In 2019
In 2021


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Local Authors Sign Books in Folsom

 The Giddy Up Coffee Shop in Folsom hosted a book signing by local authors and artists Saturday, December 16, 2023. Several authors took part, meeting with fans, selling books, and discussing among themselves the love of writing. Here are some photographs. Click on the images to make them larger. 

Giddy Up customers visited with the authors and bought books. 

The Giddy Up is located in downtown Folsom and serves coffee, tea, smoothies, pastries, paninis, and soup.

I also had few of my books there. They are listed on the following webpage:

The Folsom book signing reminded me of an episode back in 1993 when Pat Smith published a book called "101 Uses for Really Old Fruitcake."  I supplied the cartoons to go along with the suggested uses. She was in Houston putting the book together, and I was drawing the cartoons in Covington and faxing them to her. It was an interesting project.

Here is an article that appeared in the newspaper announcing a book signing for the new book.

I've done other book signings, one at Books A Million, and even a map signing at K-Mart in Slidell. That was an interesting day, sitting inside the front entrance of K-Mart, selling and signing Slidell cartoon maps. One of the people coming in the door was a cousin that I hadn't seen in decades. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

1935 Football Team Pictures

 Here are pictures of the St. Paul's School football team and Elmer E. Lyon High School football team in 1935, some eighty-eight years ago. Click on the images to make them larger. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Oldtimer Recalls Downtown Covington Pre-1920's

 In August of 1922, one of Covington's "oldtimers" shared this account of his small town, its people and its merchants. He speaks of Mrs. Tate's school in the downtown area, the raising of silk worms on mulberry bushes where the Southern Hotel is now, the residences along New Hampshire Street, the New Orleans commuters, and the costumes of the day. 

Here is the article in full:

St. Tammany Farmer August 5, 1922

by The Oldtimer

"Once again I find myself strolling along the streets of the old town, hoping to meet some old remembered face, but none appear to give me welcome. At last I come to the corner where once stood the large and busy wheelwright shop once owned by Nathan Page. In its place I now see an up-to-date dry goods store in whose large glass windows are displayed many beautiful things so dear to the female heart. 

"On the opposite corner, once familiarly known as "Heintz's Corner," from the fact that it was the lounging place of many old cronies who loved to meet there and discuss the topics of the day while enjoying the "rest" and comfort afforded by the hard but hospitable old bench.

 "The store, a general merchandise store, was owned and operated by Mr. Chas. Heintz, who' was also the postmaster. Gone is the old bench, also the postmaster, and in their place appear the large department store of Frank Patecek.

Click on the image to make it larger.

"All the old buildings on what was once known as "Up Street" when we started out to do any little errand, have disappeared, and the street is now known as Columbia street.

"Passing on, at last, I come to an old familiar friend peeping out from between the Patecek building and the F. G. C. Auto Shop, and away back from the sidewalk, as if aware of its antiquity, is a little house once used as a school, and presided over by an elderly lady named Mrs. Tate. 

The F.G.C. Auto Shop Advertisements

"She was not an up-to-date teacher, as she wore her skirts long enough to hide her feet and her bearing was dignified. She won the hearts of all her pupils for she had a fund of humor, and the scholars she turned out showed the thoroughness of her training. She rests now in the cemetery in Amite. 

"Passing on by the courthouse, a much finer building than the old one, and a credit to the town, I see where once was a large brick house, the home of the Italian consul, Mr. Rocchi, whose wife was said to have realized a large fortune raising silk worms. In its place I see a large and flourishing looking bank, the Commercial Bank & Trust Company, and on the opposite corner an old friend greets me—the former home of Judge Martin Penn. 

"But this large family has all disappeared. Judge Penn passed away at the beginning of the Civil War. Poor Benton, who was a favorite with all who knew him, met a tragic death while espousing the cause of his cousin, Martin Penn, son of Alexander Penn. 

Wehrli House

"Across the street, where once stood the little law office of Geo. Henry Penn, son of Judge Martin Penn, is the Wehrli home. The little office has been converted into a pretty home and is owned by Mr. Louis Wehrli, who also owns the fine garage at the corner. Mr. Wehrli is the grandson of Mr. Pechon, once a well known family in Covington, some of whom I bear are still living. 

"Across the street and back of the Commercial Bank is the beautiful Southern Hotel, built on the mission style. On the grounds where the hotel now stands, once was a forest of mulberry trees, on the leaves of which Mrs. Rocchi once raised her silk worms.

"And now we come to the corner where three well known families lived. First, on the corner, was the home of the Brenans, consisting in the mother, father and three sons and one daughter. The father, who was a notary, did business in Now Orleans, returning home every Saturday, as did most of the men in those days, for there was not enougn 'business in the little town in those days to support their families. 

"The intercourse with New Orleans was carried on by steamboats which made the trip three times a week. The eldest son of the Brenan family, a tall, handsome fellow, measuring six feet in his stocking feet, enlisted at he age of 16 in the Civil War. He enlisted in the Crescent Regt., Co. K., Sumpter Rifles, but being so young, and raised a "home boy," he could not endure the hardships, and soon succumbed to homesickness, that most dreadful sickness of all. 

"Of the mother of this family I must make special mention. A native of  Philadelphia, she came to Covington in her early married life, in search of health, which she surely found, for she lived to the age of 88. Her costume, though picturesque, would be a marvel to the present day, for her skirts were full and a long underwaist was covered by a saque around the bottom of which was a ruffle. Around her neck she wore a white kerchief fastened in front with an old-fashioned brooch. Beneath her full skirts peeped two feet shod in snow white stockings incased in neat slippers. 

"The crowning glory of this quaint costume was the little lace cap, from under which looked forth two merry black eyes. Full of hospitality which they dispensed liberally, she could have dined the president or peasant with equal ease. The two other sons, familiarly known as Tim and Doan, lived until a few years ago, and now the sister lives all alone, not in the old home, for where that stood is the pleasure grounds of the Southern Hotel. 

"Miss Matilda Brenan, or Miss Tillie, as she is generally called, lived on the corner opposite her old home in a nice place built by her brother, Tim. She lives alone, surrounded by works of art, and with the companionship of books. Some day I will call on her."


Click on the images to make them larger. 

Here's another "Oldtimer" recollection

In the article above, the Oldtimer visits the St. Tammany Farmer office when it was at the corner of Bostson Street and Lee Lane

The Wanderer newspaper

See also:

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Scrapbooks Full of Memories

     Many of the photographs presented on the Tammany Family blog come from a number of family collections, archives, and newspaper images. They help remind us of days gone by. In the future, however, it may become harder to find actual photographs, since many of them are now stored in cellphones and hard drives and the "cloud." 
     Photographs our parents and grandparents took over the years sometimes wind up in boxes and drawers, scattered around the house. Negative sleeves get lost, scanned digital pictures get buried in folders deep within your computer. People's names are forgotten, vacation photos show locations you don't recognize. There is a remedy to all of this. Here's a poem about it. 

Memories of Memories
I remember many memories,
But there comes a time at last,
I lose those recollections,
Of things and days long past.
Bringing to my aging mind,
Thoughts of people I once knew,
Locations that I visited,
Places that I once flew.
Now it is those memories,
That tend to fly away,
So I pause to write them down,
Find pictures that show that day.
Across the years my thoughts are strewn,
Of people, places, events,
And I wonder just how soon,
My memories won’t make sense.
A day I will be wondering,
What really happened when,
Of who did what to who I knew
And why it happened then.
So write them down, make a list.
Of memories you now treasure,
Not only benefits you, my friend,
But your family beyond measure.
It helps to every now and then,
Look back and then recall,
People who helped along the way,
And how you did it all.
The little things that we ignored,
The challenges we braved,
All of those are memories,
That should somehow be saved.
We call them up and write them down.
Find pictures that we took,
Identify folks from left to right,
And fill the old scrapbook.
In days to come we will enjoy,
Seeing things we had forgotten,
The people we at one time knew,
The paths that we had trodden.
A handheld scrapbook may now seem quaint,
But it may be worth a look,
Cause when memories become memories,
It will be your favorite book.

See also:


Monday, December 4, 2023

Josh Tickell

 Josh Tickell is a widely-respected American film director and best-selling author who has tackled several key issues in his career, including protecting the environment, the politics of energy production, and preservation of viable soils for agriculture. His films have won numerous coveted  awards.

Born in 1975, he lived in Mandeville in the middle 1980's, attending Mandeville High School. I met him several times during those years. His mother Deborah Dupre was coordinator of the Lifelong Community Learning Center, an organization striving to showcase the many educational opportunities in St. Tammany Parish. His grandfather ran a printing company in Baton Rouge.

Josh Tickell

Josh began his career with a personal journey in a van converted to run on used cooking oil obtained from area restaurants. It was a effort to show how alternative fuels were available and in many cases preferable. It was named "The Veggie Van."

The Idealist organization website described it in this way: "In 1997, a young college graduate from Louisiana named Josh Tickell set out on a cross-country road trip in a diesel Winnebago fueled by used frying oil from America’s fast food restaurants. His goal: to spread the word about an incredible alternative fuel made from vegetable oil called “biodiesel.” Ten years, two books, two films and millions of French Fries later, Tickell and his “Veggie Van” have started a revolution."

He has continued in that effort through several films, books, and personal appearances on national television and as a speaker on college campuses. Tickell is described as a highly-respected journalist, thought leader, author and award-winning film director. 

Kiss The Ground

In 2017, Josh Tickell wrote a book entitled "Kiss The Ground," in which he stressed the importance of saving the viability of soil for the growing of crops. That 334 page book explored how caring for the soil in which the world grows its food could address and reverse climate change challenges. "As we harvest healthy, abundant food for regenerative-agriculture diets, we can also eliminate the poisonous substances that are harming our children,our pets, our bodies, and ultimately, Planet Earth," he said in the book. 

 In his review of the book, famed chef Wolfgang Pick praised the book as a fascinating easy-to-follow blueprint for how eating in ways that nourish and regenerate the soil can not only reverse global warming but also bring greater vitality to our lives." Deepak Chopra also commended the book for its solutions to soil re-vitalization and preservation.

That book had a forward written by John Mackey, founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market.  It was made into a major documentary film narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Tickell's high-impact documentary movies include "Fuel," "The Big Fix," "Pump," and "Good Fortune," and he recently released a new film about saving  agriculture, "Common Ground." Another of his films, "On Sacred Ground," tells the story of a journalist covering the controversial construction of a pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. 

His films have been shown in the White House and viewed internationally by more than 50 million people worldwide. His film company, Big Picture Ranch, is a family owned production company that specializes in films that raise awareness, inspire change, and solidify new cultural ideas.

His very first project which started in St. Tammany Parish in 1997 was the "Veggie Van," the story of his specially modified van. H"is first book "From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank," gave an account of that interesting experiment and a film re-inforced its message. 

One of his recent books,  "The Revolution Generation: How Millennials Can Save America and The World,"  explained how those who aspire to harness their passion can generate meaningful political impact. Tickell offered innovative thoughts about how Generation Y (those born between 1980 and 2000) have affected today's culture through new ideas in communication,the internet, productivity, and social media. 

Other films include "Pump," which deals with the world's reliance on oil and possible replacement fuels, and "The Big Fix," a film which told the story of the BP oil spill in 2010. Critically acclaimed, "The Big Fix" was the only documentary selected by the 2011 Cannes Film Festival for an Official Selection Premiere, is a winner of the International Film and Water Festival and also a winner of the Italian Environmental Film Festival. In 2011  the New Orleans Film Festival honored Rebecca and Josh Tickell as the filmmakers behind the oil-spill documentary "The Big Fix," which made its North American premiere at the Prytania Theatre in New Orleans.

Another of his films examined the oil industry in detail. Titled "Fuel," that project explored wide-ranging energy solutions  and the mindset toward alternative energy. FUEL won the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award for Best Documentary, was selected as a New York Times Critics’ Pick and was shortlisted for an Academy Award.

In 2009 Tickell appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and they discussed his movie "Fuel." He was interviewed by Forbes Magazine, and was profiled in an article in the Huffington Post about the "ultimate human diet." Variety Magazine reviewed his documentary film "Good Fortune," praising it  as a  "wildly entertaining and endlessly inspirational documentary from husband-and-wife filmmaking team Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell.

His wife Rebecca first appeared as an actress in the movie "Prancer," and together with Josh they have addressed many environmental and cultural questions.

 According to Wikipedia, the "Tickells also drove the first car powered by a blend of algae gasoline across America. The car was dubbed the "Algaeus" and got 150 miles per gallon because of its extended battery pack and plug. The gasoline engine was unmodified. 

"We really viewed that venture, not to sound grandiose, as an Apollo mission for algae and renewable fuel" Harrell Tickell told Scientific American. With their convoy of alternatively powered vehicles, they drove across the country educating people about different green energy solutions.

Common Ground

Josh Tickell's latest film "Common Ground, " was released last month, first screened at the Miracle theater in Washington D.C. to packed audiences and lines around the block to get in. According to a press release from Big Picture Ranch, "Common Ground" is about saving our food systems before it is too late, and spreading the promise of regenerative agriculture. 

Guests at the initial screening of "Common Ground" included over 100 key staff from the US Senate, Congress, White House, and key offices like the Department of Justice, Department of Interior, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The film's producers were thrilled to see that political faces are open to regenerative agriculture and said that "Common Ground" is helping to serve as a driving force for change. The film is scheduled for showings at theaters around the country.

Josh Tickell's  website is located at 

See also:

The Ultimate Human Diet

Good Fortune Review by Variety Magazine

Interview with Josh and Rebecca Tickell

Facebook Page 

Big Picture Ranch Film Company 

Internet Movie Database 

Environmental Overview - 1987

Environmental Concerns - 50 Years Ago

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Search & Rescue Drill -1989

 In June of 1989 several search and rescue agencies got together and held a practice drill at the Mandeville Harbor. Here are some pictures of that event. Click on the images to make them larger. 

Since St. Tammany Parish has so many rivers, lakes and marshlands, the Search and Rescue operations pull together several agencies to help locate, retrieve, and get victims to area hospitals as quickly as possible. 

See also: