Thursday, February 15, 2024

Forgotten Tammany Towns

 St. Tammany Parish over the years has been home to many communities, some of which appeared on early maps but are no longer listed on modern maps. A number of those have been forgotten by current residents, except perhaps the families of the earliest pioneers who settled the area. 

An early United States Post Office Placename Database however, lists many of those no longer placed on maps. Here are a couple of maps from the 1910's and 1930's.

Click on the above image to make it lager. 

In the maps of St. Tammany Parish from the 1910's and 1930's, we find the following:

Alma (just west of Folsom)

Onvil (just south of Folsom)

Ramsay (north of Covington)

Galloway (north central St. Tammany)

Violin (east of Talisheek)

Houltonville (east of Madisonville)

Florenville (northwest of Pearl River)

Maud (northwest of Slidell)

Honey Island (northeast of Pearl River)

Starlding (southeast of Slidell)

Bradley (west of Covington)

Hygeia (west of Slidell) and 

Nott (Fontainebleau Park)

Dave (between Talisheek and Bush)

The Pearl River swamp had several named communities: Lewis, Benton, and Mufree (all northeast of Slidell).

(Thanks to Jack Terry for providing the information referenced above.)

Old USGS Topographical Maps also listed community names no longer on modern maps. 

McClane City

Union Grove (La. Hwy 40 near Sharps Chapel)

Dave was located on the train track at the lower corner of Watts Thomas Road, Bush.

See also these links: