Sunday, August 18, 2024

J.P.'s and Constables

 The Justices of the Peace and Constables serving throughout St. Tammany Parish have been an important part of the community for many years. Here are a few pictures of the group being sworn into office back in 1972. Click on the images to make them larger. 


One of the most enjoyable magazine assignments I've ever had was putting together the annual magazine for the Justices of the Peace and Constables State Association. It was a huge volume with feature stories and photographs of JP's and Constables throughout the state. I had the opportunity to attend the state conference in Lafayette to take pictures. This was the meeting where the State Attorney General meets with all the Justices of the Peace and Constables and goes over any state legislation that was passed in the preceding year that affects their offices. It was a great group, and they perform an interesting range of public services these days.

St. Tammany Parish JP's and Constables were an active group in the state. 

Gordon Copeland was the father of one of my college friends, so he would often share with me the adventures he had experienced as a Justice of the Peace. 

Gordon Copeland