Monday, July 1, 2024

Phone Service Debuts in St. Tammany

The year 1884 was the year that telephone service came to St. Tammany Parish. Here is a collection of articles from the summer of 1884 that reveal the excitement that went from community to community as the "telephone line" was connected and opened up voice communications with the rest of the world. 

The first phone line was between Mandeville and Lacombe. That phone line was extended from Lacombe to BonFouca, and then a few months later, on to Slidell. Once the line got to Slidell, it could offer calls to New Orleans and other places around the world.

Covington to Mandeville was added a month or so later, with Abita Springs and Madisonville not far behind. 

Click on the articles below to make them larger. 

May 26, 1884

Covington didn't want to be left out of the coming of telephone communications. 
Click on the images to make them larger and more readable. 

Text from the above article is given below:

Tammany Farmer- W. G. KENTZEL, Editor (Official Journal of St. Tammany)


The communication of Col. Geo. Moorman, in another column, shows what steps have already been taken to place our parish in direct communication with the outside world. Covington, the most important town in the parish, is not included in the telephone circuit, so far as the present arrangements are concerned, but a proposition is made to extend the line to our town. 

We have no doubt our citizens will view this important matter in the proper light, and take immediate steps to secure an extension of the line to Covington. The subject has been discussed here for several years, and in May, 1880, a telegraph company was formed, subscriptions taken, and finally the stockholders held a meeting and elected the following officers: President, J. Cahier; Treasurer, J. E. Smith; Secretary, H. J. Smith. 

At that time the question of building the Northeastern Railroad was being agitated, and as it was thought by some that the road might pass this way, further action was postponed, to see whether or not the railroad company would build a line. Since that time nothing has been done and no meetings have been held. 

We believe a sufficient sum was subscribed in 1880 to construct a telegraph line from Covingtou to Pontchatoula, and the former subscribers will doubtless look with favor on the present proposition, to extend the telephone line from Mandeville to Covington. The distance is only teu miles, and we do not think it will cost as much as the sum named by Col. Moorman. 

The incalculable advantage and vast importance of this enterprise should enlist the hearty support of our citizens, and no time should be lost in making the necessary arrangements, so that the line may be completed as soon as possible. It will be an additional attraction to induce summer visitors to spend the season here, and will prove a great convenience to our merchants and business men, and the public generally. 

We have no doubt the officers formerly elected would still consent to act, and we suggest that President Cahier call a Meeting of the old subscribers without delay, so that the question may be fully considered, and a committed appointed to raise the necessary amount and communicate with Col. Moorman. on the subject. 

Scarcely a day passes but the urgent need of a telegraph or telephone line is not felt by some one, and this is our opportunity to secure it. Let us take advantage of it at once, if we hope to see our town prosper. It will be a proud day for the Farmer, and all our citizens, when we can proclaim that Covington is connected by telephone and telegraph with New Orleans and the rest of the world.

End of Article

May 31, 1884

To show the citizens' renewed interest, another subscription list was started. 

June 6, 1884

News that had been arriving by telegraph was now starting to come via telephone. 

June 18, 1884

Mandeville was connected to Lacombe and wasted no time in making a friendly call. 

Text from the above article:


MANDEVILLE. LA., June 18, 1884. 

As a matter of interest to the readers of the Farmer, we desire to inform them that the Telephone Line in St. 'Tammany parish is an assured fact. At 6:10 p.m. on the 17th inst. Mr. Packard, the skilled electrician and Superintendent of  the line announced, by a signal from Bayou Lacombe, that the line  was in working order to that point. 

The President of the line requested him to send for Mr. Chas. Aubry, the leading citizen of Bayou Lacombe, who has done so much to forward the interests of the company, as he desired that the first message sent over the line should should be addressed to him. At 7 pm, Mr. Aubry informed Col. Moorman that he was at the telephone and following message was sent, and reply immediately received:

To Mr. Chas. Aubry, Bayou Lacombe

 It is proper that the first message sent over the over the St. Tammany Telegraph and Telephone Line, and the greeting sent from Mandeville to Bayou Lacombe, should be addressed to you, as a partial acknowledgement of your disinterested and untiring labors for the success and completion of the line, and of your generous services, tendered without compensation, and with a view to benefit your community, which should entitle you to the thanks and good wishes of your fellow citizens, as well as to the gratitude of all the stockholders of the company. 

The Shady Beach City, with pride and pleasure, greets the romantic Bayou Village, and congratulates her that she is the first place, amid St. Tammany's sighing pines and unrivalled woodland groves, with which lightning converse is held, and to enjoy the presence and benefits of this grand and useful electric power, discovered by Franklin and utilized by Edison, in which the genius and the powers of man have marked, "with magic and art profound, the speed of light, the circling march of sound."

Geo. Moorman, President


Your complimentary message and hearty greeting, from the Shady Beach City, both to myself and the Bayou Village, is received with grateful feelings. We trust that the advent of the Telephone will make a new era in our parish, and lead to other needed improvements which will bring us population, enhance the price of property, and assist us to market our products.

I am ready, when called upon. to give any additional assistance to the Telephone Line, or any other work which will develop our resources or improve our parish.

Charles Aubry. 

The line is in such perfect order that the sound of a hammer upon a log, the barking of a dog in the vicinity of the Telephone at Bayou Lacombe, and the ticking of a watch placed at the instrument could all be distinctly heard at Mandeville, a distance of 10 miles.

The submarine cable is being placed across Bayou Lacombe today, and the work will be pushed on to Bonfouca and Slidell. Vidette.

End of article

June 28, 1884

The Covington to Mandeville phone link was underway. 

July 5, 1884

Madisonville and Abita Springs wanted in on the phone exchange as well. 

July 5, 1884

The first phone call from Mandeville to BonFouca was completed. 

July 12, 1884

A few days later, the first phone calls were made from Mandeville to Slidell and New Orleans. 

August 9, 1884
A month later, the phone line between Covington and Mandeville was ready for use. 

August 16, 1884

Vandals tried to disrupt phone service shortly afterward.
But progress prevailed and telephone communications thrived. 

The phone line reached Slidell in 1884, only one year after the first train passed through Slidell going from Jackson, MS, to New Orleans. In 1884, taking advantage of the new transportation mode, Fritz Salmen opened the Salmen Brick and Lumber Company, and Colonel Pete Schneider, the St. Joe Brickyard. In the midst of accelerating growth the town of Slidell was incorporated four years later on November 13, 1888.  Industries such as brick making and ship building provided employment opportunities solidifying the town's economic stability. By all accounts, it was considered a boom town, and now it had phones.

See also these links:

Covington Area Phone Book -1947