Saturday, October 14, 2023

Lacombe Wildlife Refuge Center Hosts Family Event

 More than 6,000 people turned out for the 2023 "Wild Things" festivities in Lacombe Saturday. Dozens of tents were spread across the grounds of the Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Center, offering a variety of wildlife education experiences, with a number of non-profit organizations dedicated to wildlife preservation represented.

Cars full of families poured into the grounds all morning, and parking was scarce, but throughout the day people continued to come. Lunch tents were also available.

The main tent serving lunch

The gathering took place at the Center (formerly Holy Redeemer College) on La. 434 just north of Lacombe to Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week. Beginning at 10 a.m. a large number of family-friendly outdoor activities were offered including children’s activities, archery, displays of live animals, live music, hayrides, and canoe paddling.

The center's museum was also open, with hundreds of visitors walking through the many exhibits.

Here are some photographs of the massive event. Click on the images to make them larger. 

Several telescopes were set up to view the partial eclipse of the sun. 

See also: