Sunday, October 22, 2023

New Route To Bogalusa Through Isabel

 No one today would consider taking a route through the Isabel Swamp to get to Bogalusa from Covington, but in 1961 it was considered a short cut that had just been made a little more passable. 

I went that way just a few weeks ago and was surprised to find that the two and a half miles through the swamp is still gravel. I guess the Bogue Chitto River flooding continues to be a tough challenge for road builders in that area near the river. The rest of the road is paved and serves several houses and camps.

Isabel Swamp Road - Gravel Section

Isabel Swamp Road - Paved Section 

Bridge over Bogue Chitto River

Bogue Chitto Tubing Center

See also:

The St. Tammany Superhighway