Saturday, February 27, 2021

Making Syrup

 Nothing got family and friends together like the day at the shed making syrup. Here's a few photos of the Frank Sharp family working together to make a batch of syrup the old fashioned way. 

Click on the images to make them larger. 

Jim Fitzgerald overseeing the syrup cooking. He was there every year to help.  
 The syrup making was usually scheduled for the Saturday after Thanksgiving each year. 
Here's a YouTube video showing the process as done every fall by the O'Berry family in Pearl River, Louisiana. Click on the play triangle to view the video. 

 Using a horse or mule to turn the center crank for grinding up the sugar cane was common, but as machines became improved and more reliable, they were put to use in the process. One such machine was featured in this YouTube video after it was resurrected and put back into use grinding cane for syrup. Click on the triangle to view the video.
Kevin Kennedy revived the old Hercules engine to grind sugarcane once again


See also:

Sugarcane Grinding