Saturday, April 22, 2017

Old Mandeville Bank Building

The website and the Times Picayune recently published a great article on the history of the old St. Tammany Bank building at the corner of Carroll and Claiborne Streets in Mandeville. Built in 1907, it has been used as a bank, store, and various other retail establishments, but the sturdy brick building has always been used as a refuge against the elements when Mother Nature came through with a tornado or hurricane.

The article states that the "St. Tammany Banking Company and Savings Bank" opened its doors Jan. 1, 1907 with $5000 in stock. "It was built in the Beaux Arts style that was so popular in America from 1880 through the 1920s. The two-story building has a gable roof with exposed rafters and decorative cornices, accented by dentils and medallions."

"Although the stretch Girod Street has, of late, evolved into the commercial corridor of Old Mandeville, there was a time a century ago when Carroll Street was considered the downtown," the article said. "Carroll was lined with churches, several businesses such as the David Dry Goods Store, and one a very large bank building."

For more information on the history of the building
CLICK HERE to read more of the Times Picayune article. 

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