Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fitzgerald United Methodist

 In 1982 the Fitzgerald United Methodist Church published a large booklet celebrating the church's 100th year anniversary. The volume contained many photographs and lists of pastors, congregation members and key church history documents. 

There were also several pages that told stories and interesting anecdotes about highlights in the church history, country living, and the more memorable characters who had attended and brightened church services over the years. It was a collection of "Semalusa Anecdotes" that spotlighted the "good old days" remembered by many of the older members.

Here are the first few pages of that booklet. Click on the images to make them larger. 

The booklet was found in the collection of the late Bertha Neff, former parish archivist. The church is located in Blond, a few miles northwest of Barker's Corner.