Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sesquicentennial Treasure Chest

 This picture certainly got our attention. Click on the image to make it larger. 

Taken in 1963, this picture shows the opening of a treasure chest full of Covington Sesquicentennial Souvenir Medallions.  

Buried treasure? Not quite, but something almost as good if those gleams in those eyes mean anything. This was the scene when the chest containing the Sesquicentennial medallions was opened. Kneeling by the chest are Mayor Emile Menetre and Councilman Giles Pennington. Standing, front row, left to right, are Jack Brown, Mrs. Winnie Booth, Mrs. Jessie Brown, Maurice Blache, Harold Cooper, and Oliver Hebert. Back row, Clarence Kohnke, Edward Dutsch, Senator B. B. Rayburn, Henry Champagne, Philip Burns Jr., Felton Jenkins, Councilman Leo LeBlanc and Bill Yergen.

See also:

Covington Sesquicentennial 

Covington Sesquicentennial Program - 1963