Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tchefuncte River Lighthouse

I found an old booklet in my files describing the many lighthouses along the Gulf Coast. It was published by the U.S. Coast Guard many years ago. Here is the information about the Tchefuncte River lighthouse. Click on the images below for a larger version.

Below are some additional photos and diagrams of the lighthouse.

1886 Survey of the Lighthouse Property

For more information on the lighthouse, CLICK HERE.

An artist's rendering of the lighthouse


 This 1925 photograph of the lighthouse was taken by Leon Breedlove, who operated a ferry boat between New Orleans and Madisonville. It was taken in black and white, but the picture was recently color-tinted by hand.

A 1998 News Banner article

Here's a link to a video report on the lighthouse by WWL-TV.

The lighthouse has been listed on the
National Registry of Historic Places.

To read more about the Tchefuncte River lighthouse,

Efforts to preserve the lighthouse and stablize the land around it were discussed in a recent Fox 8 Television report. To view the segment, CLICK HERE.