For more than 25 years I drew cartoon maps for the Youth Service Bureau's annual "Chef Soiree" fund raising event. The maps showed the location of the various food, drink and music offerings at the popular event.
Here are several from over the years. The map for 2021 is shown below.
The ChefSoiree in 2020 was cancelled at the last moment because of the Covid 19 pandemic, but I had already drawn the map before it was cancelled. Here is what we missed at the 2020 ChefSoiree.
Click on the map images to see a larger version.
The 2016 map was a challenge, because the event was originally scheduled in Bogue Falaya Park, but severe flooding the week prior to the ChefSoiree required that it be moved to a new location. That was a three square block area in downtown Covington (shown below.) Work crews and electrical people and organizers had to work in a frenzy to get it all set up in time for the scheduled date. The map below was drawn in three days, a record for ChefSoiree maps.
2016 Before the Flood in the Park
Video of Drawing the 2015 Map
Frank Davis enjoying a Chef Soire map and menu
Pulling a Chefsoiree Map for proofing at Mele Printing in Covington